Virginia massacre-An inevitable tragedy
The Virginia massacres have shocked the international community and brought back the focus to ethnicity and race.But,the crux of the problem is not "outsiders" or terrorists.It lies deep within the policies of the American government.A part of the blame also lies on the media which has irresponsibly showed video garbs of the killer-Cho giving out hate speeches and posing in front of the camera with horrifying gestures.This kind of irresponsible behaviour will only send out the wrong messages to many more such Cho's who live in America and elsewhere in the world.
The entire world has prayed for the inncoent victimes killed due to a moment of frenzied madness by a mentally disturbed youth.However,we tend to forget that this isn't the first time something of this sort has happend in the US.In fact one could count it as a "normal" incident had it not been for the huge number of innocent victims(32 in this case).The point of concern is the social fabric of a country like the US and more importantly the arms lobby.The arms lobby has been influencing American foreign policy since the advent of World War-II.Billions of dollars are spent by them to ensure that their products are sold all over the world.In fact its an open secret that the American economy is completely dependent on the arms industry.No wonder guns and pistols are so easily available over there.If such things are sold to teenagers who come from a background which has no value for human life(can't blame them either because they have seen movies like Terminator and many more such gruesome action films where the value of human life is next to zilch).We also tend to forget the fact that these kids have never exactly been brought up in a family type of environment.In fact many of them have seen marriages crumbling like a pack of cards.No wonder psychiatrists are in high demand in the US.I'm by no means trying to genaralise the case but this is something which has been observed over the last 3-4 decades.People have been blindly running after money and have lost out on a lot of other things like happiness,relations and more importantly a happy family life.This part though is being addressed slowly and people have started making a conscious effort to mend their wild ways and move towards a nuclear family structure.But,the arms lobbly is still ruling the roost not just in the US but the entire world.This problem cannot be solved easily since the US Presidential elections too depend on the support of the arms lobbly!No wonder George W Bush has been crying out hoarse over terrorism,national security and enemies of USA.He has definitely managed to scare an already paranoid people to believe that war and billions of dollars of investment in arms are the only way to save America.This might save Amreica from the external enemy.But,what about the enemy within?What about the direct and indirect effects of this policy ?Actors like Sean Penn have openly written against the republican party policies and the arms lobby.The people however have not realised that overdependence on the arms lobbly may make them rich but it can never make them happy.They will only continue to live in fear of many such Cho's unless a president comes who puts an end to this hogwash and bans arms distribution completely.
The entire world has prayed for the inncoent victimes killed due to a moment of frenzied madness by a mentally disturbed youth.However,we tend to forget that this isn't the first time something of this sort has happend in the US.In fact one could count it as a "normal" incident had it not been for the huge number of innocent victims(32 in this case).The point of concern is the social fabric of a country like the US and more importantly the arms lobby.The arms lobby has been influencing American foreign policy since the advent of World War-II.Billions of dollars are spent by them to ensure that their products are sold all over the world.In fact its an open secret that the American economy is completely dependent on the arms industry.No wonder guns and pistols are so easily available over there.If such things are sold to teenagers who come from a background which has no value for human life(can't blame them either because they have seen movies like Terminator and many more such gruesome action films where the value of human life is next to zilch).We also tend to forget the fact that these kids have never exactly been brought up in a family type of environment.In fact many of them have seen marriages crumbling like a pack of cards.No wonder psychiatrists are in high demand in the US.I'm by no means trying to genaralise the case but this is something which has been observed over the last 3-4 decades.People have been blindly running after money and have lost out on a lot of other things like happiness,relations and more importantly a happy family life.This part though is being addressed slowly and people have started making a conscious effort to mend their wild ways and move towards a nuclear family structure.But,the arms lobbly is still ruling the roost not just in the US but the entire world.This problem cannot be solved easily since the US Presidential elections too depend on the support of the arms lobbly!No wonder George W Bush has been crying out hoarse over terrorism,national security and enemies of USA.He has definitely managed to scare an already paranoid people to believe that war and billions of dollars of investment in arms are the only way to save America.This might save Amreica from the external enemy.But,what about the enemy within?What about the direct and indirect effects of this policy ?Actors like Sean Penn have openly written against the republican party policies and the arms lobby.The people however have not realised that overdependence on the arms lobbly may make them rich but it can never make them happy.They will only continue to live in fear of many such Cho's unless a president comes who puts an end to this hogwash and bans arms distribution completely.