Wednesday, April 05, 2006

4 years of togetherness

Finally the beginning of the end of our college life has started.I'm sure most of us have been waiting for this moment from our 2nd year of enginerring,due to the frustration of journals,assignments,vivas etc.Now that the moment is finally here,I feel I was really wrong when I thought that life as a graduate would be fun,exciting and stress free.How foolish I was to think that journals,assignments and exams were one of the most boring things in engineering.Now,that we don't have much to write and no journals to borrow,I have realized that I will miss out on the oppurtunity to sit my pals,classmates in the lectures and write those useless assignments.No more borrowing of assignments from Froila,Kanchan,Aparna,Sahul.No more of submitting assignments with friends like Shreedhar,Gigith,Sunil etc.

We have no lectures to attend anymore.Does make me happy? Of course not.It makes me feel like kicking myself since I had been waiting for the last term to end so eagerly.Now,I have realized that we won't be able to pull each other's leg in the classroom,no flirting with the girls,no more of shouting in the classroom(which is basically what our class is famous for),no more proxy attendances,no more bunking.Its all come to an end.I'll miss sitting in college after lectures with my friends.I'll miss hanging out with my classmates in the lawn outside the canteen where we just about teased all the girls who went to the canteen.I'll miss hanging around with my friends from Extc and Comps class.

Most importantly,I'm gonna miss hanging around with the juniors,girls and friends during the festival.Gosh! No more festivals guys! Now,that will really make me cry.The times I've spent with almost everyone from my class and other friends from different classes will stay in my memory for a long time.The cheering as a part of the audience,the dancing,the jam sessions,the hooting,just about everything we did in the festivals will stay with me as one of the most cherished memories of my college life.
Thinking about the last four years in college itself makes me nostalgic.I can unhesitatingly say that I had one of the best times of my life during my engineering college days.


Blogger Sunil Natraj said...

I was thinking on the same lines, but then theres always MBA!

And yeah, thanks for the mention!

9:05 PM  
Blogger Pranav said...

Yeah dude,I know that.But, I don't think we are gonna be twice lucky to get the same kind of friends,classmates etc. MBA will be a mixture of ppl of different age groups,different priorities etc.This will probly be the best class and batch we can ever get.Most importantly,we won't get to meet ppl we have been close to over the last four years.

9:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

he he he senti patty at his best......good one but den dere is nuthin much better dan to sit with old pals n just hhang arnd talkin old shit....take my word bahut jyada majha aata hai re...just go on hav a nice time n use being sceptical and paranoid abt da days goin to end.....see to it dat u njoi every bit dat is left of college....and catch up lots n lots of good memories with for ur future and also good wishes of all ur dear frnds
mine are dere with u

ps:forgot to say ......a good blog dude...and dis one is for sunil .hope i get to be ur classmate in MBA atleast.,,,will pakka have a rocking time for sure ......lukin forward for it .......hahaha high hopes u mite say ......

8:15 AM  
Blogger Vivek said...

The friends that last the vagaries of Time and tortures of distance are those who were truly your friends in the first place. Missing them makes no sense, because they never really leave your side; they just happen to be physically away from you, but in their hearts and in your heart, u always know that they are right there for you.

10:07 AM  
Blogger Pranav said...

Very true Vivek.But,there are times when u need ur friends to be there for u physically so that u can hug them during the bad times,so that u may get a shoulder to cry on and just celebrate with them during the happy times.

1:12 PM  
Blogger Vivek said...

Friends are that part of the human race with which you can be human. Enjoy the pleasure while it lasts.

10:29 AM  
Blogger Sunil Natraj said...

Hmm.. thanks Sai. I appreciate the compliment. As regards to MBA, lets see what the future holds for us. To be in your class would indeed be a pleasure.

And Patty, let us both come to terms with reality. Parting is inevitable in life.


10:12 PM  

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